Integrierte Gesamtschule Zell an der Mosel

Besuch des englischen Theaters

Besuch des „Phoenix Theatre“

Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2023 wurde für die E2 Kurse der 7. Klassen sowie für die gesamten Klassenstufen 8, 9 und 10 das Stück „Furious Games“ des Theaterensembles „The Phoenix Theatre“ an der IGS aufgeführt. Da es sich um ein englisches Stück handelt, das ausschließlich von MuttersprachlerInnen aufgeführt wird, war dieser Anlass eine optimale Gelegenheit, die Sprache authentisch zu erleben und bisher erworbene Sprachkenntnisse zu erproben. Dabei wurden sie sogar an manchen Stellen aktiv in das Stück eingebunden. Im Anschluss an die Aufführung konnten die SchülerInnen noch ihre Fragen an die Schauspieler stellen.

Aus allen Klassenstufen gab es nach der Vorstellung ein durchweg positives Feedback: das Stück wurde als thematisch spannend empfunden und die Beschäftigung mit der Sprache auf diese Art und Weise sei „einfach mal was anderes“. Nachfolgend ein Bericht von zwei Schülerinnern der 8b.

The theatre play was about a boy named John. John has mental problems, because nobody listens to him at home when he talks about his problems. His mum always looks at her phone and his dad simply says “be a winner” when his son tries to talk to him. In school, John asks a girl if she wants to go out with him, but she just says that he is a freak and that she already has a boyfriend. In the course of the theatre play, John becomes more and more aggressive. At the end, he even pulls out a gun and thinks about using it, but he does not shoot as his conscience prevents him from doing so. At the end of the play, John is happy again, as his mum has more time for him and they watch a movie together. So many important topics were covered in the play.

Twice in the play, a few tables were rearranged on stage and a news program on gun violence was shown. The first guest brought someone from the audience onto the stage and said that gun violence begins with video games. The second guest did the same, made a test with the person and said that gun violence begins with mental health. It was just two actors who performed the play, so they often switched roles.

After the play everyone who wanted could ask questions. The students wanted to know more about the play itself and the different topics that were covered in it. Some questions were about the hobbies of the actors and their free time activities, some other about their acting-career and what their parents say about that. There were also questions about their favourite movies, TV shows or actors and about what they want to do in the future. The theatre play was really good and interesting and one could understand everything the actors said. It was a great experience.  – Julia Richter und Lea Vogel, 8b